Can I Leave My Timeshare To My Heirs?

If you’ve ever wondered about the fate of your timeshare when you’re no longer around, you’re not alone. Many timeshare owners ponder the question, “Can I leave my timeshare to my heirs?” In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of passing down your timeshare to your loved ones, and provide some much-needed clarity on this often confusing topic. Whether you’re considering an inheritance plan or simply want to learn more, we’ve got you covered with all the information you’ll need. So let’s dig in and discover the possibilities for your timeshare legacy.

Thank you for reading this post, additional resources can be found here, Everything About Timeshares

Table of Contents

Understanding Timeshares

What is a timeshare?

A timeshare refers to a property ownership model where multiple individuals have the right to use the property for a specific period each year. Essentially, it allows you to share the ownership of a vacation property with others, typically in a resort setting. This shared ownership arrangement ensures that you have access to the property for a designated period, usually a week or two, every year.

How do timeshares work?

Timeshares work by dividing the ownership of a property into intervals of time, usually one week at a time. Depending on the type of timeshare ownership, you may have the right to use the property during a particular week each year, or you may have access to a floating week that offers more flexibility in choosing your vacation dates. The timeshare property is typically managed by a resort or a management company, which handles the maintenance and upkeep of the property.

Types of timeshares

There are several types of timeshares available, each with its own features and benefits. Fixed week timeshares involve purchasing a specific week each year, which guarantees you the same time period for your vacation. Floating week timeshares, on the other hand, provide more flexibility by allowing you to choose from available weeks within a given season. Another option is the points-based timeshare, where you are allocated a certain number of points that can be used to book accommodations across various resorts.

Pros and cons of owning a timeshare

Owning a timeshare can have its advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, timeshares offer a predictable and consistent vacation option, allowing you to escape to your favorite destination year after year. They also provide access to desirable amenities and services that may not be available in traditional hotel accommodations. Additionally, timeshares can be a cost-effective way to enjoy annual vacations in luxurious settings.

However, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Timeshares come with upfront costs and annual maintenance fees, which can be a financial burden for some individuals. The flexibility of vacation dates may be limited, especially with fixed week timeshares. Reselling a timeshare can be challenging, and it may not retain its original value. It’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether owning a timeshare is right for you.

Can I Leave My Timeshare to My Heirs?

Legalities of leaving a timeshare as inheritance

Leaving a timeshare as an inheritance is possible, but it is essential to understand the various legal implications involved. While timeshares can be passed down to heirs, they come with contractual obligations and may have specific restrictions outlined by the resort or management company. It is crucial to consult with an attorney specializing in estate planning and timeshare inheritance to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Considering the timeshare contract

Before leaving a timeshare as an inheritance, it is important to thoroughly review the timeshare contract. The contract may contain provisions and restrictions regarding the transfer of ownership, including any associated fees or penalties. It is advisable to seek legal counsel to interpret and understand the terms of the contract, as well as any potential implications for your heirs.

Understanding the resort’s policies and terms

In addition to the timeshare contract, it is vital to understand the policies and terms set by the resort or management company. These policies can vary, and they may have specific requirements or limitations concerning timeshare inheritance. Some resorts may require the heirs to meet certain qualifications or pay additional fees to assume ownership. Familiarizing yourself with these policies enables you to make informed decisions and plan accordingly.

Transfer options for timeshare inheritances

When considering leaving a timeshare as an inheritance, there are various transfer options to explore. These options include transferring the timeshare directly to the heirs, placing it in a trust, or gifting it to a family member. Each transfer option has its own legal considerations and potential tax implications, so it is crucial to consult with an attorney to determine the best approach based on your specific circumstances.

Effect on Heirs

Financial obligations of inheriting a timeshare

Inheriting a timeshare can come with financial obligations that heirs need to be aware of. These obligations include annual maintenance fees, special assessment fees, and property taxes. It is important to understand the financial responsibilities associated with the timeshare, as failure to meet these obligations can result in penalties or possible legal action. Heirs should carefully evaluate their ability and willingness to assume these ongoing costs before accepting the timeshare inheritance.

Resale versus keeping the timeshare

When inheriting a timeshare, heirs have the option to keep the property, sell it on the resale market, or explore other alternatives. Selling a timeshare on the resale market can be challenging, as the demand for timeshares can fluctuate, and the resale value may be considerably lower than the original purchase price. Heirs should carefully consider the potential resale value and market conditions before deciding whether to retain or sell the inherited timeshare.

Is there any benefit to inheriting a timeshare?

Inheriting a timeshare can have some benefits, especially if the property is in a desirable location and offers high-quality amenities. It can provide the opportunity for annual vacations in a familiar and comfortable setting, eliminating the need for extensive trip planning and accommodation searches. Additionally, inheriting a timeshare may carry sentimental value if it has been a cherished family vacation tradition. Considering these factors can help heirs determine whether the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Potential risks and drawbacks for heirs

Alongside the benefits, there are potential risks and drawbacks for heirs inheriting a timeshare. The financial obligations associated with maintenance fees and taxes can be a long-term burden, especially if the heirs do not have the financial means to cover these costs. Additionally, the limited flexibility of timeshare ownership and potential difficulty in reselling the property can restrict heirs’ future vacation plans. It is crucial for heirs to carefully evaluate the risks and drawbacks before accepting a timeshare inheritance.

Discussing with Heirs

Open communication with your heirs

When considering leaving a timeshare as an inheritance, open and honest communication with your heirs is essential. Engaging in open discussions early on allows you to gauge their level of interest, assess their financial capabilities, and address any concerns or questions they may have. By involving your heirs in the decision-making process, you can ensure a more informed and mutually beneficial outcome.

Educating heirs about the responsibilities

It is important to educate your heirs about the responsibilities that come with inheriting a timeshare. Provide them with detailed information about the financial obligations, maintenance requirements, and any restrictions or limitations associated with the property. By helping them understand these responsibilities, you empower them to make informed decisions and come to a consensus about whether or not to accept the inheritance.

Exploring their interest and willingness

Not all heirs may be interested in or willing to assume ownership of a timeshare. It is crucial to respect their preferences and take their interests into account. Encourage your heirs to openly express their feelings and concerns. This can help you find alternative solutions that align with their desires and financial capabilities, ensuring a more harmonious transition of ownership.

Seeking professional advice

In complex situations like timeshare inheritance, it is advisable to seek professional advice from qualified attorneys or financial advisors. These professionals can provide expert guidance on legal and financial matters, helping you and your heirs navigate the complexities of inheriting a timeshare. Their objective insights and knowledge can contribute to a smoother transition and assist in finding the best solution for all parties involved.

Additional Factors to Consider

Maintenance fees and other costs

When leaving a timeshare as an inheritance, it is crucial to consider the ongoing maintenance fees and other costs associated with the property. These fees can vary significantly, and failure to pay them can lead to legal issues. Ensure that both you and your heirs have a clear understanding of the financial obligations and plan accordingly to avoid any potential pitfalls.

Tax implications for both the owner and the heirs

Timeshare inheritance can have tax implications for both the original owner and the heirs. It is important to consult with tax professionals to fully understand the potential tax consequences involved. Factors such as the value of the timeshare, any depreciation, and the specific tax laws in your jurisdiction can all impact the tax liability. By understanding the tax implications, you can make informed decisions that minimize any tax burdens.

Probate and timeshare inheritance

In many cases, timeshare inheritance will go through the probate process. Probate is the legal process of administering a deceased person’s estate, including the transfer of property to the designated heirs. It is important to understand the probate laws in your jurisdiction, as they can dictate the timeline and requirements for transferring the timeshare ownership to your heirs. Working with an attorney experienced in probate law can help ensure a smooth inheritance process.

Different laws regarding timeshare inheritance

It is worth noting that different jurisdictions may have varying laws and regulations regarding timeshare inheritance. These laws can impact the transfer of ownership, taxation, and other legal considerations. Whether you own a timeshare in your home country or abroad, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations that govern timeshare inheritance in that jurisdiction. Seeking legal advice from professionals with expertise in the relevant jurisdiction is highly recommended.

Exploring Alternatives

Selling the timeshare before inheritance

If you anticipate that inheriting a timeshare may not be the best option for your heirs, one alternative is to sell the timeshare before the inheritance process begins. Selling the timeshare on the resale market allows you to avoid passing on the financial responsibilities associated with ownership. However, it is important to keep in mind that the resale market can be challenging, and it may take time to find a buyer at a satisfactory price.

Donating the timeshare

Another alternative is to donate the timeshare to a charitable organization. Donating a timeshare can have potential tax benefits, depending on the laws in your jurisdiction. However, it is essential to investigate the organization and ensure they accept timeshare donations and can handle any associated fees and obligations. Consulting with professionals specializing in charitable donations can provide valuable guidance in this process.

Renting out the timeshare

If your heirs are not interested in personally using the timeshare, renting it out can be a viable option. Renting out the timeshare can provide a source of income that helps offset the ongoing expenses associated with ownership. However, it is important to thoroughly research the rental market, understand any legal requirements or restrictions, and be prepared for the responsibilities that come with managing rental arrangements.

Transferring ownership to a trust

Transferring the ownership of a timeshare to a trust can offer additional flexibility and control over how the property is handled after your passing. By establishing a trust, you can specify the terms and conditions of timeshare ownership, as well as designate successors or beneficiaries. Trusts can provide a mechanism for managing and preserving the timeshare for future generations while minimizing potential conflict among heirs.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Importance of consulting an attorney

When navigating the complexities of timeshare inheritance, it is crucial to seek legal assistance from attorneys specializing in this area of law. Timeshare laws can be intricate, and the specific requirements and obligations associated with inheritance can vary. A qualified attorney can provide guidance, interpret legal documents, and ensure compliance with applicable laws, protecting both the original owner’s wishes and the rights of the heirs.

Choosing the right attorney

Selecting the right attorney is essential when seeking legal assistance for timeshare inheritance. Look for attorneys with experience and expertise in timeshare law, estate planning, and probate, as they will be familiar with the nuances of these areas. Additionally, consider their reputation, qualifications, and track record when making your selection. A well-versed attorney can guide you through the process, addressing your concerns and helping you make well-informed decisions.

Understanding legal obligations and rights

Consulting with an attorney specializing in timeshare inheritance can provide you with a clear understanding of the legal obligations and rights associated with leaving a timeshare as an inheritance. They can help you navigate the intricacies of contractual agreements, estate planning, and probate laws. With their guidance, you can ensure that the transfer of ownership is conducted legally and efficiently, protecting both your interests and those of your heirs.

Making informed decisions with professional guidance

Professional guidance from an attorney can empower you to make informed decisions throughout the timeshare inheritance process. They can provide clarity on complex legal matters, explain the potential risks and benefits of various options, and help you devise a strategy that aligns with your objectives and priorities. With their expertise, you can navigate the intricacies of timeshare inheritance more confidently and create a smoother transition for your heirs.

Timeshare Exit Solutions

Options for getting out of a timeshare

If you find yourself in a situation where you no longer wish to pass on your timeshare to your heirs, there are options available to exit your timeshare ownership. One option is to explore the possibilities of timeshare cancellation, which involves legally terminating your ownership obligations. However, it is important to note that timeshare cancellation can be a complex and challenging process, requiring expert assistance to navigate successfully.

Another option is to consider selling the timeshare on the resale market. While selling a timeshare can be challenging, there are reputable resale companies that specialize in timeshare transactions. It is advisable to research and engage with a trustworthy resale company to increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Working with a reputable timeshare exit company

If you decide to pursue timeshare exit solutions, working with a reputable timeshare exit company can be beneficial. These companies specialize in assisting timeshare owners who want to get out of their ownership obligations. They have the expertise and experience to navigate the complexities of the timeshare industry, including contractual obligations, legal considerations, and resale options. However, it is important to thoroughly research and vet any timeshare exit company before engaging their services, as there are fraudulent companies in the market.

Legal considerations when exiting a timeshare

When exploring timeshare exit solutions, it is crucial to consider the legal aspects involved. Consult with an attorney specializing in timeshare law to ensure that the exit process complies with all legal requirements. They can review your timeshare contract, assess your rights and obligations, and provide guidance on the best approach for exiting your timeshare ownership. By having legal support, you can mitigate potential risks and ensure a smooth transition out of your timeshare.

Is timeshare cancellation the right choice?

Whether timeshare cancellation is the right choice for you depends on various factors, including your specific situation, financial considerations, and desired outcome. Timeshare cancellation can provide relief from ongoing financial obligations and alleviate the burden of ownership. However, it is a complex process that requires careful assessment and professional assistance. Consider consulting with a timeshare attorney or a reliable timeshare exit company to evaluate your options and determine if timeshare cancellation is the most suitable solution for your circumstances.

Planning for the Future

Estate planning and timeshare inheritance

Incorporating timeshare inheritance into your estate planning process is crucial to ensure your wishes are carried out effectively. By designating your desired heirs and clearly outlining your intentions in your estate plan, you can minimize potential disputes and uncertainties. Working with an estate planning attorney can help you navigate the complexities of estate planning, including timeshare inheritance, and establish a comprehensive plan that reflects your preferences.

Preparing a will or trust

Preparing a will or trust is an essential component of estate planning and enables you to dictate the transfer of your timeshare assets. A will outlines your wishes for the distribution of your belongings and the transfer of ownership, while a trust provides additional control and flexibility in managing the timeshare inheritance process. When creating your will or trust, consult with an attorney experienced in estate planning to ensure your timeshare assets are addressed properly.

Regularly reviewing and updating your plans

It is important to regularly review and update your estate plans to reflect any changes in your circumstances or wishes. Life events such as marriage, divorce, birth, or death can have a significant impact on your estate plans, including any provisions for timeshare inheritance. By conducting periodic reviews and updates with your attorney, you can maintain the accuracy and relevancy of your estate plans and adapt them to your changing needs.

Including detailed instructions for the timeshare in your estate plan

When incorporating timeshare inheritance into your estate plan, it is crucial to provide detailed instructions regarding the timeshare property. Explicitly specify your intentions for the timeshare, including the designated heirs, their responsibilities, and any specific conditions or limitations. This level of detail ensures that your wishes are clearly communicated and reduces the likelihood of confusion or disagreements among your heirs.


Assessing your personal situation is crucial when considering whether to leave a timeshare as an inheritance. By understanding the intricacies of timeshare ownership, the legal implications, and the potential impact on your heirs, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and priorities. Open communication with your heirs, seeking legal assistance, and exploring alternatives can contribute to a smoother transition of ownership and protect the interests of all parties involved. Ultimately, taking steps to secure your timeshare and protect your heirs ensures a legacy that can be enjoyed for generations to come.